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Shanghai High School Graduate Sharing – Doreen’s Journey of Personal Growth and Lifelong Connections at Wellington College International Shanghai

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Shanghai High School Graduate Sharing – Doreen’s Journey of Personal Growth and Lifelong Connections at Wellington College International Shanghai

September 13
15:40 2023

As the 2022-23 academic year draws to a close at Wellington College International Shanghai, the Class of 2023 Leavers reflect on their transformative experiences at one of the top high schools in Shanghai. Doreen shares her journey from struggling as a Year 8 pupil with limited English proficiency to flourishing both as an artist and academically with the support of her teachers and peers. She founded rock bands, tackled challenging IB subjects, and made lifelong friends along the way. Doreen’s reflections offer insight into how Wellington has prepared her for a lifelong journey of personal growth and success. 

Wellington College International Shanghai

Overcoming Challenges and Finding Opportunities at High School in Shanghai

“I started at Wellington as a year 8 pupil. I transferred from a local school, and I did not speak much English. So, my first impression of Wellington was that life here was going to be challenging. But everyone was so friendly. Walking through the halls, I remember seeing other pupils waving at me just because I was new. It just felt very heartwarming.”

A Home Away from Home

“I really love my house, Hill. When I was assigned to it, it was a brand-new house, so it was very small, and we all got to know each other really well. I was pretty timid back then, but I gradually built connections with my housemates and really started to flourish. I started band called the Hill Band. By year 12, I even applied to be head of house. I have always felt a strong connection with Hill House and my housemates. Whether it was house time or house activities, we would always interact with each other more. You get to meet so many more people. And I have a lot of lifelong friends from different year groups that I will definitely keep in touch with after I leave Wellington. The house system really is something special. It gives you something you cannot get in your classes alone.”

Personal Growth and Self-Confidence at Wellington College International Shanghai Senior School

“Wellington has truly shaped me to become a better student of science. I came here with no basic knowledge in science. I struggled quite a lot in the beginning. My test scores were not great. But my grades kept improving, and I hit my stride by the time I started my IGCSEs. It also helped me become a better performer. I have performing arts teachers like Dr Tkachenko, Mr Larsen-Disney, and Ms Mitford to thank for this. Even though I am not doing IB music, I was still able to join the school’s big band and take part in school concert, play a role in our Senior School musicals and doing other things that I love besides my studies. So, Wellington has made me an even more well-rounded person. I feel unique and more confident in who I am.”

Supportive Community for Success at the Best International School in Shanghai

“Wellington just lets you be you. You can do what you want, and the teachers will support you in achieving your goals. For instance, when I was doing my extended essay in chemistry, I was interested in the field of pharmacology, and Mr Lam, my supervisor, gave me all the advice and support that I needed to complete this important part of the IB programme.”

Wellington College International Shanghai

Lifelong Memories and Friendships

“I have so many great Wellington memories. In year 10, I started a girl band with four of my other classmates. That was when I first got exposed to being in an ensemble. I learned more about music, and I got to jam with my friends. We also performed in a lot of different places, often representing the College. That kind of sparked a deep journey into music for me. I went on to explore more about rock bands. I learned to play more instruments and about music production. For me, that is where my journey started.” 

In Conclusion

Wellington College International Shanghai has provided a transformative education to Doreen, allowing her to overcome challenges, build lasting friendships, and achieve academic success while pursuing her interests. The supportive community at the school has made her feel at home, inspiring her personal growth and building self-confidence. As she looks back on her time at this top high school in Shanghai, Doreen shares her thoughts on how they have prepared her for a lifelong journey and shaped her into the person she is today.

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